TEA TIME at Beginnings Quilt Shop April 2nd, 2022

Great get together with a 12 eager quilters. Only two brought actual Show and Tell. Something tells me they are saving quilts for the big WNCQ show May 19 -20 at Bonclarken Assembly Center. BUT the two quilts shown were certainly worthy. Ruth Eaton is always engaged with family quilts and her Bakery small quilt is for her granddaughter. Then we have a great story with the Show and Tell by Debbi. She spotted this beautiful hand quilted small quilt made up of miniature blocks expertly pieced. She grabbed it up at Habitat for Humanities and felt really lucky to have found it. I mentioned it resembled the work of a long time quilter friend who was in our group, Vivian Pemble. We glanced over to Vivian and sure enough IT WAS her quilt.

She just felt the need to pass it on to make room for more quilt storage. Actually she loves to piece and finish projects. Yes, she was blushing!!